Making a Difference

In Support of the Julia Child Foundation

June 1, 2024

The JPF co-hosted with the Julia Child Foundation a fundraising event in support of the Food History Project at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History. The project at the museum in Washington, DC is the home of Julia Child’s complete kitchen, down to the post-it notes on the telephone, from her home in Cambridge, MA. The event was emceed by our own acting board chair, Brian Maynard, a long-time friend of Julia’s.

A Catalyst for Good

May 16, 2024

Earlier this month, two Chicago-based JPF Grantee organizations – Impact Culinary and Inspiration Kitchens – served as the hosts for the Catalyst Kitchens Midwest Regional Summit. These semi-annual meetings are always a great opportunity to make vital connections with community-based culinary training programs. Of course, the JPF was there!

Celebrate Jacques’ 90th Birthday Nationwide

Chill the Champagne and stock up on birthday candles, because Jacques Pépin is going to turn 90 next year! That’s something to commemorate in and of itself, but at the Jacques Pépin Foundation we’re planning to celebrate both the man and the mission of the JPF.

JPF Supports NYC’s Project Renewal at their Annual Benefit

May 14, 2024

The JPF was proud to support NYC’s Project Renewal at their Annual Benefit on May 8th. This year’s benefit highlighted City Beet Kitchens, the Project Renewal social purpose catering company and the Project Renewal Culinary Arts Training Program, a JPF grant recipient. JPF Director of Operations Marissa Ain and JPF Director of Grants and Membership Jennifer Quigley-Harris spent an inspiring evening celebrating Project Renewal’s incredible work.

2024 Posters Now Available

April 24, 2024

Our 2024 art poster is now available! Celebrating seven years of the Jacques Pépin Foundation, these gorgeous posters feature a print of Jacques’ original artwork, Flowers & Wine. Please note that poster delivery takes approximately 2 weeks — just in time for Mother’s Day!

Past Events