Making a Difference

Beyond the Check

December 11, 2024

As we’ve been going through the long but gratifying process of selecting our final round of Principal Grant recipients, we’ve realized that there’s actually much more that we give to our Grantees beyond the check. Here’s what each JPF Principal Grant recipient organization receives in addition to $10,000 in funding.

Supercharged by Philanthropy

November 18, 2024

Thank you to all of the generous philanthropists who joined the Jacques Pépin Foundation during our October Membership Drive! We successfully reached our goal to match $9090.90 in new revenue, paying homage to our 90/90 Celebration Campaign and supercharging our mission to change lives through the power of culinary education. Thank you!

Celebrating 10 Years of the Julia Child Foundation Award

October 17, 2024

Jacques has been up to much more than just celebrating his birthday at our 90/90 events! Along with culinary luminaries Joan Nathan, Sean Sherman, Grace Young, and many more, Jacques celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Julia Child Foundation Award at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History in Washington, DC on October 17.

Upcoming 90/90 Virtual Events

October 16, 2024

As part of our nationwide 90/90 Celebration Campaign, the Jacques Pépin Foundation is excited to present a series of virtual events featuring Jacques’ culinary friends, Gail Simmons, Jacques Torres and Paola Velez. These interactive online events are designed to celebrate Jacques’ legacy while spreading culinary education and raising funds for the JPF’s mission.

Past Events