Letter from the Executive Director
It's good to be back! 2022 certainly felt like a year of hopeful return and re-engagement with one another after the pandemic. Many of us were able to resume activities and work, even as we came to accept that many things were going to be different moving forward.
In the food system and hospitality industry, pandemic-born challenges exposed deep and troubling issues, and laid them bare to a wide and public audience. Direct requests to our community kitchen partners for trained employees went through the roof during the pandemic and have not abated. On one level, this extreme need for skilled employees in restaurants and other culinary settings has given expanded visibility and respect to the training programs we support. They have gained influence and increased power as they appeal for positive changes in workplace environments and improved career pipelines for those that face barriers to employment, such as previous incarceration, homelessness, and substance-abuse.

Photo by Eric Vitale Photography
Now more than ever, it is obvious that these organizations and programs are doing extremely valuable work every day as they help their participants gain skills, develop a sense of purpose, and take steps to improve their lives and careers through culinary arts education.

With your support in 2022, the JPF continued to contribute educational materials, technical videos, and much-needed funding to locally based community culinary training programs. Programs that, in just a few short weeks, train individuals about large-scale meal preparation and serving, food safety, and the functioning of a professional kitchen, so they can become valued team members in a market desperate for workers. It is easy to understand the value of this work. People who want to work gain skills, a sense of purpose and better health, and our beloved food service industry gains workers.

Photo by Eric Vitale Photography
In 2022, the JPF had a banner year, full of success stories and milestones. We were back in person for our 5th Anniversary Gala in April; we surpassed $1M in distributed grants to community kitchen partners; and Jacques visited and instructed classes (which we captured on film) at two great community kitchens grantee partners: Hot Bread Kitchen in NYC and Community Servings in Boston. The JPF expanded our commitment to support the Catalyst Kitchens Network of over 100 community kitchens nationwide, and we will participate in the Catalyst Kitchens Annual Conference this summer. The JPF continues to produce videos of Jacques' “Cooking at Home” series and is working to repackage older videos from his PBS series. We continue to produce videos of celebrity chef friends and notable newcomers in Cook with Jacques Pépin & Friends” Video Recipe Book, now approaching 200 videos! Our JPF Membership Program continues to prosper, giving every single JPF Member the chance to expand their own culinary techniques while supporting the culinary education of so many others.
In 2023, we will continue to provide grants and curricular materials. We will continue to protect and extend Jacques' incredible legacy as a chef, educator, and mentor. We will continue to give back to you through social media and our website videos of recipes and techniques. We will enlist more culinary professionals to carry this important and essential torch, spreading the word and helping to expand opportunities for culinary education and training.
We thank you so very much for your support and encourage you to reach out to us with any thoughts, questions, or suggestions you might have regarding our work.
Very Best Regards,
Rollie Wesen, Executive Director