The JPF is partnering with Rouxbe Online Culinary School to provide an online course: Jacques Pépin, A Legacy of Technique. The course offers fans and aspiring cooks the opportunity to learn to cook more like Jacques, and earn a completion certificate! With tutorial videos from Jacques’ recent “Cooking at Home” series, as well as from his archives as its foundation, the course decodes and explains the principles underlying the techniques that inform his cooking. The course offers 30 hours of content with personalized instructor support and grading from industry-leading chef educators.

With their long track record of teaching students online, along with their stellar reputation, Rouxbe is the perfect collaborative partner to bring Jacques’ wealth of culinary content to the world through an online learning management system that is easy to use and up to Jacques’ standards.

Once registered, you receive lifetime access to the course content. To learn more or register now, visit