Making a Difference

Industry Experts Sharing Ideas on Seafood Sustainability

June 6, 2018

If you missed the symposium, co-hosted by Johnson & Wales University and the Chefs’ Collaborative, you missed a great discussion by industry experts and chefs explaining their observations of the seafood industry and their efforts to make it sustainable. Plus a great reception at Save the Bay with the freshest oysters, sustainable caviar and Foolproof brews.

Inaugural Gala — Explosive Success!

January 11, 2018

The JPF Founder’s Inaugural Benefit held on Thursday January 11th at the Yale Club in New York City brought out the culinary stars and proved the power of our mission, by raising over $400,000 in support of culinary education for disadvantaged adults through community kitchens.

John Boos Company

August 20, 2017

We are so pleased to announce a partnership with the John Boos Co. You may know them for their Boos Block cutting boards and tables, but they produce all kinds of wood and stainless equipment for kitchens. John Boos Co. has donated over $5000 of professional equipment, on behalf of the Jacques Pépin Foundation directly to community kitchens so that they can better serve their students!

Schoen Family Donation

June 16, 2017

The Jacques Pépin Foundation would like to express our deepest gratitude to Laurie Schoen, Jean-Michel Bergounoux and their children for their generous contribution to the foundation. We shared a beautiful meal, with amazing wines, forming new friendships and strategies for future collaborations.

Partnership with Oceania Cruises

June 10, 2017

We are so pleased to announce our newly formed partnership with Oceania Cruises! Oceania will be the sponsor/host of the VIP cocktail reception at our inaugural benefit dinner on January 11, 2018, and has committed to being a long-term partner to the Jacques Pépin Foundation.

Past Events