August is Make-A-Will Month, a time to reflect on the importance of planning for the future and ensuring that your wishes are respected. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to consider the impact you want to leave on the causes closest to your heart.

The JPF’s Director of Philanthropy, Tula Gogolak, created the 1935 Society to bring together a circle of friends who share a common vision to ensure future generations have access to culinary education, life skills training, upward mobility, and better health through better food.

By including the Jacques Pépin Foundation in your estate plan, you ensure that both your legacy and the mission of the Jacques Pépin Foundation endure, bringing lasting benefits to countless lives for years to come.

As an expert in planned giving and a longtime non-profit collaborator, Tula has spent her career helping others make a significant impact for the future. If you are interested in learning more about the 1935 Society or how to include the JPF in your estate plan, email