The Jacques Pépin Foundation was proud to support New York City’s Project Renewal at their Annual Benefit on May 8th. This year’s benefit highlighted City Beet Kitchens, the Project Renewal social purpose catering company and the Project Renewal Culinary Arts Training Program, a JPF grant recipient. JPF Director of Operations Marissa Ain and JPF Director of Grants and Membership Jennifer Quigley-Harris spent an inspiring evening celebrating Project Renewal’s incredible work with JPF Members, JPF Grant Committee volunteers, and representatives from other JPF grantee organizations Hot Bread Kitchen and Youth Action Youth Build.

JPF Director of Operations Marissa Ain and JPF Director of Grants and Membership Jennifer Quigley-Harris with JPF Members, JPF Grant Committee volunteers, and representatives from other JPF grantee organizations Hot Bread Kitchen and Youth Action Youth Build

Special congratulations to Barbara Hughes, Executive Director of City Beet Kitchens (and Board President of Catalyst Kitchens) for her work with Project Renewal for the past 30 years. We were thrilled to break bread together and celebrate everyone’s tremendous work!