Earlier this month, two Chicago-based JPF Grantee organizations – Impact Culinary and Inspiration Kitchens – served as the hosts for the Catalyst Kitchens Midwest Regional Summit. These semi-annual meetings are always a great opportunity to make vital connections with community-based culinary training programs.

Of course, the JPF was there! Our own Jennifer Quigley-Harris, Director of Grants and Membership, and Tula Gogolak, Director of Philanthropy, joined Catalyst Kitchens members at the Summit to underscore the JPF’s commitment to helping address the challenges faced by these culinary programs. As these Catalyst Kitchens member organizations work to break down barriers to employment, provide essential skills, build confidence, and ensure participants find meaningful work in the food service industry, the JPF is dedicated to being there to support them.

“Catalyst Kitchens member organizations are doing fantastic work providing low or no cost culinary training programs that change lives for individuals nationwide. The JPF is proud to partner with Catalyst Kitchens to support this collaborative network of locally-based teaching kitchens that are committed to ending poverty through careers in food service.”

– Jennifer Quigley-Harris, Jacques Pépin Foundation

By supporting the Jacques Pépin Foundation, you play a crucial role in transforming lives. Your contributions help provide opportunities for people from all walks of life to improve their lives, support their families, and uplift their communities. Together, we can continue to offer these life-changing programs.