Tina Salter

Video and Content Director

Born and bred in the UK, Tina Salter attended the original London Cordon Bleu and has worked in the United States, the UK and France. For more than twenty-five years, Salter has been working in food and food television, including production of the new series, “100 Days, Drinks, Dishes & Destinations” with host Leslie Sbrocco; thirteen seasons of KQED’s local restaurant-review program, “Check, Please! Bay Area”; eight series with the renowned chef, Jacques Pépin and other series with Martin Yan, Joanne Weir, Mollie Katzen, Anne Willan, and Cooking at the Academy.

She has authored two cookbooks, “Nuts: Sweet and Savory Recipes from Diamond of California” and “Gratins”. Her book production contributions include “American Boulangerie”, Williams Sonoma’s “Christmas”, and Heidi Krahling’s “Insalatas”. Salter’s experience includes styling food for print and video, developing and testing recipes for consumer websites, organizing events, and catering. She continues to develop culinary projects for both video and print. The mother of two food lovers, Salter lives in Marin County, California.

Tina Salter